
Welcome to Australia Prints, our online exhibition and sales gallery of Australian cultural treasures sourced from the great libraries and collections of the world.

Our prints are made in Australia and specialise in Australian subjects. We are a small team of passionate curators and graphic designers eager to share our love of natural history, scientific illustration, old maps and Australiana.

We are also passionate about fine-art printing. Prints in the collection have been digitally restored to be as faithful to originals as possible, and are printed using industry leading 12-colour giclée pigments, on museum-quality cotton rag. The maps are carefully edited to remove excessive toning and blemishes, while retaining as much of the character of the original antique paper as possible. Our hope and expectation is that you will think you're looking at originals once they are on your walls.

These prints are highly decorative and ideal for framing. Hang them in homes, offices, cafes, gift shops, schools, local museums and information centres. Whether you are looking for local history or a striking interior design piece, please enjoy exploring our catalogue. 

All prints are available for purchase. 

Search your local history on our Map Finder.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

Enquiries are welcome. Contact us for custom orders, extra-large sizes, and wholesale.

New items are added to our catalogue regularly.